Dear Friends & Family,
Thank you for all your prayers and support in the mission God has given us. It is good to pray and follow Jesus – a blessing to know God and make him known!
Over 60 young people actually registered for the Youth Camp at la Bergerie Evanglique des Nations, and many more wanted to come! The young man in the front of the photo (above) was brought by his parents because he was mad. We prayed and he was healed. Praise God! He went on to do the IT workshop. There were drumming sessions, and other workshops, such as shoe repairs; giving hope and skills to those who have none.

Celestin was due to travel south in the car to bless a wedding of a young missionary couple from church. The car had a big puncture on the bridge out of N’Djamena, so the trip was cancelled. However, after a long journey with several breakdowns, Celestin is now in Sarh. He assisted at the funeral of a lady who supported him to raise the finances he needed to go to France, several years ago, for the School of Intercessory Prayer. He is meeting with others at the YWAM base in Sarh before going to Koumra to teach at a missionary convention for 250 participants.

Meanwhile, Margaret’s car failed its MOT, but we are so thankful to God for answered prayers as it was found to be unsafe to drive. We bought another car of the same kind very quickly so she can continue to work in the community. Praise God!
Celestin will travel back to Cameroon next week to teach on the Discipleship Training School in Yaounde for 2 weeks. He plans to travel on to Douala for further dental treatment because he is still suffering with toothache. We are praying specifically for finances for this journey and ask that you would join with us in prayer and giving if possible. Thank you.
Margaret camped and volunteered as a steward at Creation Fest, a Christian music festival with bible teaching and emphasis on mission, at the Royal Cornwall Showground. It was much warmer and sunnier than previous years with over 3,800 people attending.
“Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers;
but their delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law they meditate day and night.“Psalm 1: 1-2 (NRSV)
- Praise God, especially for his protection over our cars and travelling!
- Pray that God will forgive our sins and fill us with the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for La Bergerie Evangelique des Nations church and the young people who came to the camp. Pray God will speak to each one as they seek to know God.
- Pray for YWAM Chad as Celestin spends time talking and praying with people at the base in Sarh.
- We believe that God is leading us to YWAM Immerse Cornwall. Pray that Celestin will get a visa and that we will find suitable accommodation. Margaret has found a room to rent very close to Mum for the meantime.