June Newsletter

from Gillian Harris, Emmanuel Press

Emmanuel Press June feature image
Emmanuel Press Logo

Dear friends,

I have to start this letter with congratulations to our team member, Calvin Khoza, who this month successfully completed his 29th Comrades Marathon. This is an ultramarathon, about 90 km in length, run between the cities of Durban and Pietermaritzburg, here in South Africa. To complete one Comrades marathon is a great achievement. To complete 29 is quite remarkable.

Calvin’s work in the local schools of our area is also proving to be successful. He and Nico set out early each Tuesday morning to visit as many schools as they can whilst they are open. They always return with a good response. One notable day they returned with 545 exams. This means that, during the preceding week, 545 students had chosen to pick up and study a lesson teaching them about God’s Word. We know that this will bring good into their lives.

In addition to visiting the schools, Nico has always been busy distributing our lessons to the people he meets around town in various locations, shops, cafes and the complex where he lives. These 3 students (below) all live in the same complex and have completed our courses through Nico’s encouragement.

The work of Emmanuel Press in Mozambique has been progressing well in these months. Domingos continues to see much interest and response to the work that he is doing. In addition, Mark and Lesley Harper have distributed a good number of our lessons. The Harpers have been working in Mozambique for many years and have developed a network of contacts throughout the country, to whom they send the lessons. This includes the provinces in the north of the country. Sadly, attacks by insurgents in the north have once again increased. This has caused many to be displaced from theirhomes and villages. Mark and Lesley have visited some of these people and are now facilitating the distribution of our lessons among them.

Lesley Harper is also using her contacts to find people able to translate our Basic Discipleship Course into other languages spoken in Mozambique. Translation work is not easy, so we are extremely grateful to Lesley for organising this.

Our own offices, here in White River, were in need of freshening up. The logo and design on the front wall were looking a little faded and worn. Douglas Boyce, the newest Director to join our Board, was instrumental in organising this. With scaffolding in place, he put together a team of volunteers to prepare and paint the whole wall. I say thank you to this team! Then Wouter was hired to paint the logo, a map of Africa and the name of Jesus on the wall. He did this beautifully and we are all delighted with the finished result.

Thank you for your continued support of me and the work of Emmanuel Press.

Wall painting

March Newsletter

February Newsletter

Data Protection Policy

Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Saltash Baptist Church are the Data Controllers and the Church Secretary acts as our Data Protection Officer. We are collecting this information to enable the church to keep in touch with you and provide pastoral support as appropriate.

Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information as we regard it as being in the church’s legitimate interest. Your name and contact details will be entered into our church database which is held on the church office computer and cloud system which is password protected and accessed only by the Ministers, Church Secretary and Church Administrator. Your contact details will be removed from the database once you are no longer a member of the church – unless you ask to remain as one of our “church friends”. We would like to include your name and contact details in our Church Directory which will be accessible through ChurchSuite . If you are happy for your details to be included please indicate where asked to do so. You can ask for your details to be removed at any time.

To enable us to provide adequate pastoral support to you and your family, one of the Ministers may record information which may be regarded as sensitive. This information will be stored (in password protected documents) on the church computer and Cloud System but the password will only be known by the Ministers. This information will NOT be disclosed to anyone else without your consent. You have the right to ask to see any information we hold about you (including the pastoral support information) by submitting a ‘Subject Access Request’ to the Church Secretary. You also have the right to ask for information which you believe to be incorrect to be rectified. If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to our Data Protection Officer. If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.


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