Under 18s

Children in different stages illustration

At SBC we are passionate about encouraging the next generation to love God and each other.

Our children’s work is for children aged 0–10 years old (infants, preschool to year 5).

We seek to create space and opportunities for every child to spend time getting to know each other and explore getting to know God.

We have an incredible team of DBS checked volunteers, who work alongside our Children’s Worker Elise who loves spending time with our children and walking through life together with them.

Creche children illustration

Sunday Mornings

On a Sunday morning we run children’s groups downstairs during the main adult worship. 

We all start together in church and the children are sent downstairs to their groups part way through the service. 

We have a creche for our youngest babies and children with a screen showing the adult worship for parents who wish to stay with their little ones.  Once the children start school, they are moved into a more structured group with bible stories, games and craft.  We have two age groups running: a school years foundation to year 3 group and a group for years 4–6. 

Our year 6’s have the choice between this group and a group for school years 6–11. 

Little Lights

On a Thursday afternoon we have a group for babies and toddlers and their parents or carers with toys and craft.  Towards the end we have a short snack time for the children with tea and coffee available for the adults.  

Toddler illustration

Upcoming Events

Additional Needs

We want all our children to feel welcome and at home here at SBC. If you are a parent/carer of a child with additional needs, we would love to chat to you about the best way we can support you all. Please don’t hesitate to contact Elise.

At SBC we are passionate about encouraging the next generation to love God and each other.

Our youth work is for young people aged 10–18 years old (years 6-13).

We seek to create space and opportunities for every young person to spend time getting to know each other and explore getting to know God.

We have an incredible team of DBS checked volunteers, who work alongside our Youth Worker Amy who loves spending time with our young people and walking through life together with them.


(Years 6–9)

Every Sunday morning at 10:30am (except the 5th Sunday of the month), our youth join the main service before heading down to meet in the Youth room to play games, eat snacks, grow together, and learn more about God. After the service the young people can hang out together, play pool, table football, and have some social time catching up. 


On Wednesdays, we meet in the Downstairs Hall and Youth room from 5–6pm every week during term time. It is a great opportunity for our young people to meet, build friendships, offload and have some good fun. We have various themed evenings throughout the year, including trips out.

Older Youth
(Year 10–13)

Years 10–11: Currently our older youth are joining with our younger youth on a Sunday morning. We are aiming to have a group for our Older Youth, on a Sunday morning running after the Easter Holidays. 

Year 12–13: We encourage our year 12-13s to join in with the main service on a Sunday Morning. This will offer an opportunity to understand what it’s like to be in the main service before they head off to university or outgrow all the youth provision.

Our Midweek group for those in school years 10–13 will be starting after Easter on a Thursday evening from 7:30–9pm. 

Young Adults

In our life group on Wednesdays we love to come together and delve into our faith and relationships as young adults and working professionals. We chat, play games, read the Bible, pray for one another and most importantly just be together in a safe and welcoming space.

Upcoming Events

Milkshake poster

Additional Needs

We want all our young people to feel welcome and at home here at SBC. If you are a parent/carer of a young person with additional needs, we would love to chat to you about the best way we can support you all. Please don’t hesitate to contact Amy.

5th Sunday All Together

When there is a 5th Sunday in the month, our service becomes an ‘all together’ service. This service is an interactive service aimed at all ages. The children and young people will cover many of the volunteer roles within the 5th Sundays. 

Church Meetings

Our children and young people are a key part of the church here at SBC and we love to hear their voices and opinions. During our church meetings when the adults are on their tables with the one or two big discussion points, the children and youth are on their tables discussing the same or similar question. When we feedback from each table their thoughts and ideas are mixed in with the adults.


SPREE South West

Every year we take an amazing group of children and young people to Spree SW. Spree SW is a hugely popular camping and activity weekend at the end of June for young people aged from 8 to 17. Spree SW provide a complete programme of activities throughout the weekend to suit all interests, including football, climbing, arts & crafts, fairground rides, bouncy castles and offer five high-quality spiritual programmes for different age-groups.

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.

Send a message to our Children's Worker

Send a message to our Youth Worker

Data Protection Policy

Under Data Protection legislation the church Charity Trustees of Saltash Baptist Church are the Data Controllers and the Church Secretary acts as our Data Protection Officer. We are collecting this information to enable the church to keep in touch with you and provide pastoral support as appropriate.

Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information as we regard it as being in the church’s legitimate interest. Your name and contact details will be entered into our church database which is held on the church office computer and cloud system which is password protected and accessed only by the Ministers, Church Secretary and Church Administrator. Your contact details will be removed from the database once you are no longer a member of the church – unless you ask to remain as one of our “church friends”. We would like to include your name and contact details in our Church Directory which will be accessible through ChurchSuite . If you are happy for your details to be included please indicate where asked to do so. You can ask for your details to be removed at any time.

To enable us to provide adequate pastoral support to you and your family, one of the Ministers may record information which may be regarded as sensitive. This information will be stored (in password protected documents) on the church computer and Cloud System but the password will only be known by the Ministers. This information will NOT be disclosed to anyone else without your consent. You have the right to ask to see any information we hold about you (including the pastoral support information) by submitting a ‘Subject Access Request’ to the Church Secretary. You also have the right to ask for information which you believe to be incorrect to be rectified. If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to our Data Protection Officer. If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.


Send a message to Tim Bliss regarding Overseas Mission

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